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“Third-party Posts”

How an annuity can help as you plan for retirement

As you approach retirement, you may be wondering what are the next steps for your investments. An annuity may be an effective tool for you in retirement planning by providing a steady and reliable income stream. With 2024 being the year with the greatest number of...

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3 Social Security Changes Retirees Need to Know About in 2025

Key Points A modest cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will make benefit checks bigger. Note that higher earners will pay a bit more in Social Security taxes. Retirees still earning income may have some of their benefits temporarily withheld. The $22,924 Social Security...

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A Checklist for Retiring in 2025

Our checklist for retiring next year includes everything you need to do before the retirement party. Only you can know if you're ready for a checklist for retiring in 2025. If you’re 60 or getting there, retirement is no longer a hazy concept in the distance. It’s a...

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5 Key Changes to 401(k)s in 2025 and What They Mean for You

These new rules could make it easier for you to save more money for retirement Participating in a 401(k) plan where you work is a smart way to invest for retirement. Plus, your employer may match some or all of the money you contribute. In 2025 the rules for 401(k)s...

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What’s Changing for Retirement in 2025?

How Secure 2.0 and inflation adjustments will affect retirement savers and spenders. For retirement savers, the ringing in of the new year will bring more than the usual inflation adjustments to retirement contributions. The retirement legislation known as Secure 2.0...

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Retirees’ Credit Card Debt Levels Are Climbing

Key Takeaways An Employee Benefit Research Institute survey found that more than two-thirds of retirees had outstanding credit card debt in 2024, up from 40% in 2022. Even though inflation has cooled, high prices weigh on retirees. Almost a third of retirees said they...

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Retirement Vs. Resignation: Which Is Better?

Retirement Vs. Resignation: Which Is Better? There is a big difference between retirement and resignation. However, both involve leaving your place of work. If you choose to retire, you may be entitled to some social benefits such as pension and healthcare, which can...

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Three Changes Coming for Social Security in 2025

The Social Security Administration has announced the 2025 final COLA, wage cap, and amount needed to earn SS credits. Anticipating changes coming to Social Security in 2025 can help you start planning for the new year and identify any adjustments you can make to...

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7 Things You’ll Be Happy You Downgraded in Retirement

Downsizing for retirement is a good way to simplify your life and cut down on expenses. Making some key changes, like moving into a smaller home, could reduce financial strain and improve your quality of life. It could also give you room to grow in new, unexpected...

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Why Your Current Retirement Plan May Not Be Enough in 2025

Retirement: the wonderful time of life when you no longer have to work for your money. Instead, your money is finally working for you. If you’re well on your way to retirement, kudos to you. Today, more Americans are retiring than ever before. According to...

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What the Fed’s Rate Cut Means for You

The Federal Reserve just reduced interest rates for the first time in four years. Here’s how it will impact borrowers and saver What goes up must come down, and after four years, that’s finally true about interest rates. The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark rate on...

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Why Retirement Gets Better With Annuities

Everyone aspires to have a steady source of income after retirement that replaces as much as possible of their pre-retirement earning. But for many people, one big challenge in saving for that goal is to find the right financial product that accommodates their...

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Results From the 2024 Retirement Confidence Survey Find Workers’ and Retirees’ Confidence Has Not Recovered From the Significant Drop Seen in 2023, but Majorities Remain Optimistic About Retirement Prospects

Summary - However, almost 8 in 10 workers and 7 in 10 retirees are concerned that the U. S. government could make significant changes to the American retirement system - A new report published today from the 34th annual Retirement Confidence Survey finds workers’ and...

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3 Changes Are Coming to 401(k) Plans in 2025

Three significant 401(k) plan changes coming in 2025 are worth paying attention to, regardless of when you plan to retire, whether you work full-time or part-time, or whether you even have a 401(k) yet. In late 2022, Congress passed a law to help savers build their...

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6 Retirement Savings Changes To Expect in 2025

Big changes are coming to retirement savings in 2025. The shifts in retirement planning come after Congress passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act) in 2019 and its 2022 follow-up, the SECURE 2.0, which further expanded and...

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7 Things to Know About Working While Getting Social Security

If you claim benefits early, income from work can reduce your monthly payments “Retirement” used to be synonymous with “not working.” Not anymore. More than a quarter of U.S. adults ages 65 to 74 are still in the workforce, according to the federal Bureau of Labor...

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How Will the 2024 Election Impact Your Retirement?

Investors should expect volatility but also try not to overreact to news. To prepare, focus now on tax minimization, protecting your portfolio and more. In times of great change, it is only natural for people to wonder and worry. Without perspective, it morphs into...

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‘What Does Retirement Even Look Like?’

For older parents of adult children with disabilities, focus stays on caring for kids Jeanne Piorkowski looks forward to having more time in retirement to navigate the dense bureaucracy of forms, benefits and programs she can already rattle off like an expert. But she...

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Rethinking Your “Bucket List” In Retirement

As folks approach retirement, they often start mentioning their “bucket list” more frequently. The bucket list is generally an itemized agenda of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to accomplish during their lifetime before they “kick the bucket” or die....

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6 Steps to Tune Up Your Retirement Finances

Navigating retirement can be overwhelming given uncertainties like market volatility, inflation, life expectancy and the state of Social Security. Like having a mechanic give your car a periodic once-over, regularly reviewing your spending and saving can help keep...

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7 Key Factors That Could Affect How Long You’re Retired

Planning for retirement is hard for many reasons, including the challenge of answering one key question: Just how long will I be retired? Knowing how much time you’ll have to enjoy your golden years is paramount to budgeting; after all, you can’t determine how much...

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‘What Does Retirement Even Look Like?’

For older parents of adult children with disabilities, focus stays on caring for kids Jeanne Piorkowski looks forward to having more time in retirement to navigate the dense bureaucracy of forms, benefits and programs she can already rattle off like an expert. But she...

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2024’s Big Savings and Retirement Rule Changes

At the end of 2022, the SECURE Act 2.0, short for Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement, became law. It expands earlier legislation, changing many aspects of the savings and retirement landscape for Americans. The rule changes make various accounts...

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6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired

A recent retiree shares lessons learned late about saving money and spending time Everyone nearing retirement has a vision of what their road will be like once they clock out of the 9-to-5. Maybe that prophecy includes regular travel, longer trips to see the...

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5 Things You Need to Know Before Retiring at 62

A new study shows more Americans mulling early exit from workforce. Here’s what to look at before you leap The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a surge in early retirements that came to be called the Great Resignation. New research from the Federal Reserve Bank of New...

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7 Spring Cleaning Moves for Your Finances

Here’s how to get your financial house in order Forget cleaning out the closet, scrubbing the floors and washing the windows. The start of spring is an even better time to get your finances in order. “One thing on many people’s minds is cleaning. But what if you put...

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7 Spring Cleaning Moves for Your Finances

Here's how to get your financial house in order Forget cleaning out the closet, scrubbing the floors and washing the windows. The start of spring is an even better time to get your finances in order. “One thing on many people’s minds is cleaning. But what if you put...

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What’s Changing for Retirement in 2024?

Inflation adjustments and the phase-in of Secure 2.0 provisions have implications for retirement savers and retirees alike. The dawning of 2024 will usher in more changes than usual on the retirement-planning front. As is typical with the turn of the calendar page,...

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How to Deal With a Big Tax Bill

Don’t panic — but do pay the tax tab Bills are a fact of life, though some require more urgent attention than others. Ignore your brother-in-law because you still owe him $50 from last year’s poker game, and you’ll get the cold shoulder. Ignore your debt to Uncle Sam,...

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7 Ways Retirement Will Be Different in 2024

How changes in Social Security, Medicare, taxes and more will affect your finances For most people, retirement finance is a delicate balance between income that’s likely less than what you made while working and expenses that may be lower in some areas (no more...

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10 Things Boomers Should Consider Selling in Retirement

Retirement is not just about what you should buy or invest in — it’s equally about decluttering and letting go of assets that may no longer serve a purpose or even cost you money. For baby boomers, the following are items worth considering selling in retirement to...

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3 Ways Retirement Planning is Changing in 2024

The calendar page has turned and 2024 is well on its way. Before we get too far down the road, be sure to check out these changes around retirement savings. Every so often the federal government approves changes to the contribution limits for tax-advantaged retirement...

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Five new retirement numbers to know in 2024

The new year has brought some new math for anyone running their retirement planning numbers. Social Security checks are a bit higher this month, thanks to the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) - but higher Medicare Part B premiums will take a bite out of the...

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10 Things No One Tells You About Early Retirement

The reality of quitting work can be far different from the fantasy. Here's what you need to know Even if you love your job, there are times when you'd rather be alphabetizing the spice shelf than riding a packed train alongside hundreds of sniffling fellow commuters....

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Can Remote Work Get You a Head Start on Retirement?

If you have a dream destination in mind, careful planning and a willing boss could help you make the move ahead of schedule Rob Nehrbas was winding up his career as an executive at an Arizona-based laser device company he’d sold to a bigger competitor when he realized...

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10 Things You Need to Know Before Filing Your Tax Return

Get that 2023 refund fast and keep it safe from fraudsters Financial advisers usually tell you that it’s bad to get a big tax refund. A refund, after all, is money you paid the government that you didn’t owe. You could have used that money during the tax year instead...

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5 Reasons To Buy an Annuity

A few reasons to consider buying an annuity include the tax advantages, income for life and customization options for added benefits. The Annuity.org editorial team interviewed annuity buyers and financial experts to understand the best reasons to purchase one and how...

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Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Retired

Not only can these insights save you a boatload of stress later in life, but they can help ensure that you have a happy retirement. Planning for retirement is tricky. There can be a lot of uncertainty involved. You try to make good decisions with the information you...

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What’s Changing for Retirement in 2024?

Inflation adjustments and the phase-in of Secure 2.0 provisions have implications for retirement savers and retirees alike. The dawning of 2024 will usher in more changes than usual on the retirement-planning front. As is typical with the turn of the calendar page,...

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7 Ways Retirement Will Be Different in 2024

How changes in Social Security, Medicare, taxes and more will affect your finances For most people, retirement finance is a delicate balance between income that’s likely less than what you made while working and expenses that may be lower in some areas (no more...

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Want to retire early? Make these 5 moves in 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, many Americans are turning their attention to 2024 and contemplating resolutions for the new year. Many focus on financial resolutions. as people seek to earn more or create breathing room in their budget. For some, making a commitment...

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5 Reasons To Buy an Annuity

A few reasons to consider buying an annuity include the tax advantages, income for life and customization options for added benefits. The Annuity.org editorial team interviewed annuity buyers and financial experts to understand the best reasons to purchase one and how...

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7 Keys to Pretirement Planning With Your Partner

Take these steps together to help you both get the retirement you want Retirement can last for decades, so the choices you make in the years leading up to it will have huge implications for your financial security, lifestyle and legacy during your golden years. They...

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Annuities Rising in Popularity

Get trusted annuities advice, news and features. Find annuities tips and insights to further your knowledge on kiplinger.com. Rising interest rates are making annuities more attractive to investors, so much so that annuity sales are smashing records set in 2008 during...

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5 Ways To Kick Retirement Overspending

A budget is the best way to avoid running out of money in retirement Too many online shopping sprees. Frequent dinners at your favorite steak house. Pricey vacation getaways. And, of course, high inflation. Houston, we have a problem: Many retirees are spending way...

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6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired

A recent retiree shares lessons learned late about saving money and spending time Everyone nearing retirement has a vision of what their road will be like once they clock out of the 9-to-5. Maybe that prophecy includes regular travel, longer trips to see the...

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Don’t Make This Big Retirement Mistake

A recent survey of Americans who have yet to retire found that just 10% have made plans to receive the biggest possible Social Security payout. And it’s not because people don’t know that Social Security pays bigger benefits the longer you wait to claim. More than 90%...

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What Is a Fixed Index Annuity?

The S&P 500 represents about 80% of the total market capitalization of large-cap U.S. stocks (market price per common share multiplied by the number of common shares outstanding). As it is so widespread, many market analysts use it as an indicator of the overall...

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6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired

A recent retiree shares lessons learned late about saving money and spending time Everyone nearing retirement has a vision of what their road will be like once they clock out of the 9-to-5. Maybe that prophecy includes regular travel, longer trips to see the...

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10 Retirement Planning Mistakes People Make at 50

Take inventory of your assets and your strategy, or you could regret it later Reaching age 50 is a milestone that most of us celebrate. Still, after you’ve blown out the candles and bid farewell to your guests, you may have a headache from too much champagne, but...

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8 Common Above-the-Line Deductions Anyone Can Claim

Take these write-offs on your 1040, even if you don’t itemize your return Doing your taxes is a hunt for ways to minimize your income: The lower your income, the less tax you pay. For most retirees and pre-retirees, this means taking the standard deduction and moving...

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12 Things to Tell Your Kids About Your Money

You don’t have to tell them some things, but others are very important You’ve probably taught your kids a whole bunch about money over the years, like how to stretch an allowance through an entire week and how to balance a debit account — or, most challenging of all,...

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7 Things to Know About Appointing an Executor

And 7 ways to make things easier for yours Have you found an executor (also known as a personal representative) to handle your affairs should you become incapacitated or die? Planning for death-related events isn’t fun, so you may be procrastinating. Or you may be...

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7 Money Leaks — and How to Plug Them

These stealthy cash drainers could be costing you big bucks Yes, you can save a lot by cutting out the little pleasures in life. Nonessentials like caffe lattes and premium channels can really add up. But life is too short for mediocre coffee! The good news is that...

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Why Gen X Is Freaking Out About Retirement

Facing an insecure financial future, America's 'neglected middle child' may have to chart a different path to post-work life For years, Mike Cundall Jr. thought he was on the proper path to retirement. A professor of philosophy at North Carolina A&T University,...

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5 Retirement Fears Keeping Us Up at Night

Inflation, stock swings and more erode Americans’ confidence in future financial security When it comes to retirement readiness, many Americans are feeling disillusioned. A spring Gallup poll found that only 43 percent of nonretired adults expect to live out their...

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8 Ways to Recover Faster From a Disaster

A little planning can ease the financial hardship You may not think a disaster can hit you, but a disaster of some sort can occur just about any place, at any time, with little or no warning. Garrett Sorensen knows that. His car was totaled when a powerful tornado hit...

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10 Biggest Expenses in Retirement

You may think that your big expenses in retirement will be for greens fees at golf clubs, spa charges at that resort in Crete, and taking the kids out for avocado toast on weekends. And that may well be true. But some of your biggest expenses may surprise you —...

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5 Retirement Savings Changes Coming in 2024

The Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 has several provisions that could significantly impact your retirement savings, and some of the most important ones are set to take effect in 2024. The legislation was designed to make it easier to save for retirement, streamline retirement...

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Choosing the Safest Investment Path

3 ways to ensure you’ll be able to afford your essential retirement expenses If your safe investments won't produce enough income to cover your "floor" expenses, the answer is to rethink and reduce your expenses. When you're young, you can't be too aggressive when...

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4 Retirement Planning Tips for 2023

Are you prepared for retirement? With longer life expectancy, rising healthcare costs, and the possibility of Social Security insolvency the pressure to prepare is mounting. To help you navigate the process, here’s an overview of the key factors you should consider...

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5 Retirement Planning Steps to Take

These five steps will help you toward a safe, secure, and fun retirement Retirement planning is a multistep process that evolves over time. To have a comfortable, secure—and fun—retirement, you need to build the financial cushion that will fund it all. The fun part is...

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Taxation of Retirement Income

When you retire, you leave behind many things—the daily grind, commuting, maybe your old home—but one thing you keep is a tax bill. In fact, income taxes can be your single largest expense in retirement. Taxation of Social Security Benefits Many older Americans are...

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6 Things to Do If You’re Nearing Retirement

Planning to retire in 10 years or less? Find out what you need to know and do for a smoother transition. If you're thinking of retiring within the next 10 years, you may feel like you're confronting quite a few "what ifs" and unknowns. "Many retirees say transitioning...

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What Is the Ideal Retirement Age for Your Health?

Average life expectancy has risen by 16 years since the national retirement age was set at 65. We asked health experts when they think people should stop working now. In 1881, the conservative German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, plagued by a rise in socialist...

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Why is insurance important in financial planning?

Key takeaways Like a good financial plan, insurance takes into account your goals and current financial situation and should evolve as your life changes. In addition to income replacement, life insurance, in particular, can help diversify your portfolio, protect...

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Are Annuities Taxable? A Guide to How Annuities are Taxed

Annuities offer powerful tax benefits to those planning for, or entering retirement. Unlike money market accounts, savings accounts, certificate of deposit (CDs), and most bonds, annuities carry the potential to create tax-deferred accumulation. For example, interest...

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What Is Good About Fixed Indexed Annuities?

Fixed indexed annuities (FIAs) have grown in popularity over the years, primarily due to their unique combination of safety, growth potential, and guaranteed income streams. In this people-first guide, we’ll explore the benefits of fixed-indexed annuities, how they...

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Many Older Americans Haven’t Saved Anything For Retirement

More than a quarter of Americans have no money saved for retirement. That’s according to a new survey from personal finance site Credit Karma, which found older respondents are even less prepared by some measures than their younger counterparts. Nearly one in five...

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What Is the Ideal Retirement Age for Your Health?

Average life expectancy has risen by 16 years since the national retirement age was set at 65. We asked health experts when they think people should stop working now. In 1881, the conservative German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, plagued by a rise in socialist...

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15 Surprising Retirement Facts and Stats for [2023]

There are a lot of myths about retirement out there. Here are several retirement statistics that might just surprise you. While we may know family members or friends who have retired, we don’t usually discuss what their finances look like and the things they wish...

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Fixed index annuities: potential plus protection

Fixed index annuities can help you accumulate money for retirement and provide guaranteed income after you retire. A fixed index annuity may be a good choice if you want the opportunity to earn indexed interest, but don’t want to risk losing money in the market. What...

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